Friday, October 31, 2014

(group selection) Meet Addy
Watch video- Introducing Addy and the author ( Connie Porter)

 Title: Meet Addy
Author: Connie Porter                                                                                                                          Illustrator: Dahl Taylor
Grade Level: 3 and up
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Pleasant Company; First Edition  1993

 This is one of my favorite books, its a easy read and the illustrations have texture and it captures each charterers emotion. 
 This book is historical fiction. 
  American Girl’s character books captivate readers with stories of heart, hope, and history and celebrate what it means to be a girl—past and present. Gentle life lessons throughout the stories remind girls of such lasting values as the importance of family and friends, compassion, responsibility, and forgiveness. Full of wisdom and encouragement, the stories show girls how to meet their own challenges with strength and courage.  The American  Girls' have a series of books that captures a specific era in history. For example 

Meet Samantha: An American Girl 

(Samantha Parkington is a bright Victorian beauty being raised by her wealthy grandmother in 1904. Samantha's stories describe her life during this important period of change). I like the book series because its speaks about courage and bravery and  what it means to be a girl. The books are a easy read and I think  that my students will enjoy reading this book and other in the series. 

Addy walker a courageous girl determined to be free in the midst of the Civil War.  In the story, it talks about Addy's brother Sam and her father "poppa" who gets sold, the family is ripped apart.  During slavery, that happens frequently, which is a good way to explain to student how helpless blacks were. Many lived in fear never knowing what would happen next. The book also has little pictures for example  " When she came to the fields, she saw a wagon. Sam was in it, bound and gagged shackled hands and foot" (Porter, 1993).  There was a little picture of same feet being in shackled, its important that student see imagines  of what it was like to be a slaves. The book Meet Addy, is a good book to implement what is was like to be a child during that time.  At the end of book it leads into the next book which is  Addy Learns a Lesson.  There is a portion at the end of the book A look back in America in 1864. plenty of picture and  influential African American (i.e. Phillis Wheatley, Benjamin Banneker, Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass) and primarily what people went through. From the selling of slaves to abolitionists (people who were against slavery  and helped slaves gain freedom. 

 I would use this book in lesson, 
CCSS:RI3:1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding 
of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the 
CCSS:RI3:3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical 
events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical 
procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, 
sequence, and cause/effect.
CCSS:SS3:1Compare places and regions around the world using geographic characteristic

Student understand the reason for Civil War, and what it meant for African Americans. Student will understand why African Americans moved towards the North. I enjoy history so  i would really enjoy teaching this lesson to get student excited about history.  I would recommend that my colleagues get The American Girl books series.   
  Bloom's Taxonomy questions 
How is Meet Addy similar to another American Girl book?
How would you feel you were separated from you parent or parents? 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Whipping Boy

Reading Level
4th grade
  • Adventure
  • Comedy and Humor
  • Fables, Folk Tales and Myths

 I was very hesitant about reading this book, I had no interests in this book.  Once I began to read this book it reminded me of the 1998 movie The man in the iron mask staring Leonardo Dicaprio. A spoiled prince with little to  no regard for others. In the book it mentions the reason for the whipping boy. "Prince Brat knew that he had nothing to fear.He had never been spanked in his life. He was the prince! And it was forbidden to spank, thrash, cuff, smack, or whip a prince. A common boy was in the castle to be punished in his place"(Fleischman, 1986).

One night  the Prince woke up Jemmy, with a plan to run away.  Jemmy was hesitant about their big escape, he was sure if the King found out that he would killed. But he thought that he would be able to escape while  in the forest. He would hid in the sewers. The two boys get "Kidnap" by Hold-Your-Nose Billy and Cutwater the two man demanded that Prince Brat write a ransom note to the king. When the Prince denies the demand, the whipping boy announced that the prince can't write. The two men believed that he Whipping Boy was the real prince. Because he could read and write. The Whipping boy had to tell the prince to watch how he speaks to the two men, they will kill use. The spoiled Prince was rude and despite his lack of education he continued to insult the two men and the whipping Boy.   The two boys who once hated each other became the best of friends. The moral lesson is that people can change. 

Personally this is not one of my favorite books, I would  make this books available in my classroom. I also think this book would be good to do a group read or popcorn reading. 
 The fact that Jemmy was Prince Brat whipping boy annoyed me, I began to start thinking of Prince as the superior race (White's) and the whipping boy the subjected race(Blacks). I began to think of slavery and how bright African Americans were but white people gave blacks no rights so they would be submissive. In live today, I wouldn't do anything for the prince, I would lead him into the forest and leave is spoiled entitled behind right on the horse. 

I was trying to think of why this book won award, I think because it had a clear message, detailed illustration and its a easy read.   Read the book and watched the movie,this is a good way to compare and contrast.

 But overall this was not my favorite book, it type of book that you don't want to read but after you read it.The only accomplishment is that fact  I finished the book.
Text-to-Text- Onion John (The story of a friendship between a 12-year-old boy and an immigrant handyman, almost wrecked by the good intentions of the townspeople)
Text-to-world- 14th century Middle Ages 
Text-to-Self- I could relate to Jemmy the whipping boy, I relate him to being slave according to my family history my ancestors where slaves. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

E-book The Little Red Hen

The Little Red Hen 

Author:Florence White Williams

After reading another version of the little red head I think the book falls under two genres folktale and fairy tale and I will explain.
The additional version I read the story started off with "Once upon a time"  according to our textbook  " the characters both influence and are influenced by the event in the story" (Galad, Cullinan and Sipe 210). The other animals in the students were influenced by the main character the little red hen. I also have read different variation of  The Little Red Hen so that what got me thinking that it could go under the folktale genre. The fact that other authors incorporated additional details but the story still has the same problem. The outcome could be different where the Little Red Hen shares the bread with the other animals despite them not helping By the Little Red Hen sharing her bread with the other  animals it shows a nice and caring quality the  hen possess.
 Bloom's Taxonomy Question;
What was the problems with the other animals?
How would you feel if you were the little red hen and you had to do all the work yourself?

  Moral lesson that were in the story  The Little Red Hen  are:
  1. Work hard – The hen was not afraid of hard work even if none of the other animals  on the farm would help her. She knew that her labor would pay off in the end and did not hesitate to get started. Students will  learn how important it is work  hard and that it  has it's reward.
  2.  Self reliance – The Little Red Hen could not relay on the other animals to help her with the process of planting, cutting and preparing the wheat to cook.  When the other farm animals refused to help she just went ahead and did all the work on her own. Teaching student to be  self reliance that is important for young people to learn. 
  3. Persistence – At every stage of the project, the Little Red Hen didn’t give up. Even though she didn’t have any help and the work was hard, her persistence and perseverance paid off in the end.
  4. Rewards – Of course the most practical lesson is that the initiative and hard work paid great rewards in the end. The Little Red Hen had some delicious bread to eat and share with her family while the other animals had nothing.

E-book The Brave Monkey Pirate


Title- The Brave Monkey Pirate


Author-Hayes Roberts

Illustrator- Hayes Roberts


Genre- E-book

Publisher- Orchard Books 

The Brave Monkey Pirate, was a cute e-book with plenty of adventure.  The illustration could have been better, with more vibrant colors.  I thought  long hard a trying to figure out what category would this story go under. The genre I came up with is, fable because the moral of the story was to face your fears head on. The  main character in the story was Mobi ( the young monkey). The problem or conflict is the young monkey was afraid of shots and  it was a very important shot to protect him from  scurvy. 
 I would us this book during story time and also independently reading. Students that are at the computer are able to view this e-books. It would be cool if we had kindle so students are able to utilize the e-books, or if they would like to upload certain books that we have or they have. I like using  the Kindles, Tables and iPad in the classroom. The student seem to really enjoy it as well. 
My nephews has this Leap Pad that reads to him and you can use the pen or wand. You put the pointer on the work and it pronounces the word.   Wish is cool for no so strong readers, they can hear the word sounds. Technology and reading has advance in my opinion for the best.  Reading programs like Millie's Playhouse, Author and Whinny The pooh are great learning programs for students and they are having fun while learning.

(Nonfiction) Marian and Anderson :Journey to Freedom

Title: Marian Anderson: Journey to Freedom

Author:Meadows, James
Publisher:Child's World
Grade 3-6
Illustration-Full-color and historical photographs
 A biography of African-American concert singer Marian Anderson, discussing her happy childhood in Philadelphia, her early involvement with music, her attempts to perfect her art, her European success, the discrimination she encountered in the U.S., and the impact of her fame on racism.
Marian Anderson is best known for her historic concert at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939, which drew an integrated crowd of 75,000 people in pre-Civil Rights America.  I really enjoyed the books photographs.
 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (SC, 5)
CCSRF5:4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

Objective : Student will Demonstrate fluent reading in order to fully comprehend text by responding accurately (e.g., discussion, written response).

Blooms Taxonomy-
what question would ask Marian Anderson?
How would you explain Marian Anderson childhood?
How would you feel if you  grew up during Marian Anderson era?

 Name____________             Date_________

Based on the reading of the Biography of Marian Anderson  choose the correct answer.

Toscanini thought that Marian Anderson_________________
(A) had a very rare voice
(B) sang occasionally in public
(C) sang only once in many years
(D) was seldom heard by people

Marian Anderson dreamed of becoming_____________________
(A) a Ballerina
(B) a Singer
(C) a Teacher
(D) a Astronaut

Where did Marian Anderson began singing______________
(A) Church
(B) Father's Band
(C) Grandmother's Hair Shop
(D) In front of the anyone

Opera is written in what languages______________________.
(A) English
(B) French
(C) German
(D) Italian
Fill in the blanks

Who is Boghetti to Marian Anderson_______________.

What happen to make Marian Anderson feel Humiliation

What school did Marian Anderson attend _____________________.

What other Country did Marian Anderson live________________________.

How was Marian treated___________________________

What encourage Anderson dream for equal careers in our country___________________.

What was the Biggest concert of her career_________________________________________.

Book Vocabulary word Have student Define and write sentences.   Composer_____________________ Duet_______________________________- Humiliations_______________________________ Prejudice_______________________________________ Operas_________________________________________- Reputation__________________________- Scholarship_________________________--- Segregation  ________________________- Solos_____________________________ Lyrics___________________________ Injustice _______________________

(Nonfiction ) Booker T. Washington Education and Leader

Title: Booker T. Washington :Education and Leader
Author : Jack L. Roberts
Publisher: Millbrook Press
Series: Gateway Civil Rights
32 pages

 When I saw this book in the library I was overwhelmed with historical learning activities. So I decided it would be a cool idea to do a lesson plan using  Roberts book for 4th grade.
 I like that the author used photos to me it is appropriate for the text context. The books was organized by using subtitles.
This book a little older, but I like this book because can see realistic imagines of Booker T. Washington also they are able to see how people appearance in the 18th and 19 centuries.  I think this a good book to get student engaged and also use to teach  a little history while using weekly vocabulary words.

Common Core Standard:
CCSSRI.4.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
CCSSRI.4.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.  

  • Students will be able identify important historical events throughout Booker T. Washington  life.
  • (Childhood, The Hampton Institute, Early Career, the beginning of the Tuskegee Institute, The Atlanta Speech, A Leader for All, The End of a Career).
  •  Student will organize historical events from the read and write comparison how the world we live in is different.
  • Student will analyze the photographs and explain the different between photographs and illustration.
  • (Why did the author us photographs instead of  illustration? Could the author deliver his message using illustration why or why not?)
  • Students will be able to describe the contributions made my Booker T.
    Washington and the context in which they occurred.
  • Students will identify why it is important to read and value the
    opportunity to have an education.
Journal Entry. students pick three qualities that Booker T.
Washington possessed. Have them write a journal entry, describing the
qualities in his life and how they helped him become a leader. Have the
students pick three qualities that they would like to incorporate into their
life and discuss why and how they will do it

Student will independently  complete a reading comprehension worksheets practice using in-text citation.

Emancipation Proclamation

Reading comprehension worksheets

Name___________             Date_______________

Circle The correct choice(s).

1. Booker T. Washington
a. was born a slave.
 b. was a runaway slave.
 c. was always a slave.
 d. was the first slave invited to the White House. 

2. In 1865, Booker and his family
 a. escaped slavery and fled to West Virginia.
 b. went to West Virginia after slavery ended.
 c. moved to West Virginia with their new owners.
 d. were separated because his stepfather was sold to another owner. 

3. Booker T. Washington was both a student and a teacher at
a. Hampton Institute.
b. Tuskegee Institute.
c. neither
d. both 
4. Booker T. Washington Married
a. Daisy Bates
b. Margret "Maggie" James Murry
c. Fanny N. Smith
d. Olivia A. Davidson

5. Booker T. Washington had how many children
a. 0

 Students  use the Book but cite information ( Author, page number)

What life changing event happen to Booker T. Washing when he was a young boy
  and how has it changes our society? (Explain in a paragraph)

Why is the Hampton Institute important to Booker T. Washing and what did he go on to create ?

If you ask Booker T. Washington a question what would be and why?

Name another  Historical Person mention in the book and tell me what there contribution .

What was the name of Booker T. Washington famous speech and what is the name of it, why is it famous?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Corretta Scott King Award: Knock Knock My Dad's Dream for me.

Knock Knock: My Dad's Dream for me

This was such a sad book, It is about a young boy who plays a game with his father and one day the father is no longer there. The young boy writes a letter to his father asking him to come back home and how much he misses him. The father writes the young boy back, which I thought was odd because I thought the father had passed away. The father was incarcerated and the young boy did not know. The father return when the young boys is an adult. The book won an award for the illustrations, the artist used texture and warm colors. The pictures looks like magazine cut out that are arranged in a collage kind of way. While I was reading this book, some of the words rhymed the story could be have been a poem.

When reading this book to students , Bloom's question should be incorporated during the discussion. What happened after the boy reconnects with his father?
How would you feel if you were the young boy?

This book was hard to relate to myself, I have been very blessed, that I have not experience anyone in my family being incarcerated. I am sympatric but I can not relate to her pain. The author was able to capture that pain through pictures which was done very well.

The illustration in "knock knock my father's dream for me "is similar but the texture is different the book Rosa. By Nikki Giovanni  illustrated by Bryan Collier. There is use of warmer color and texture, in Rosa the colors are dull and somewhat dark.

Multicultural Book : Abuela

By Arthur Dorros
Illustrated by Elisa Kleven

This book is a good read aloud preschool-2nd grade
I would consider this book to be a predictable book, the young girl explains everything that her and her grandmother are going to do next. The book was a page turner because of the illustration.
Kleven did an amazing job when illustrating, she used bright colors creating a busy and beautiful city setting. Every page has a unique use of patterns throughout the book, from the pattern of Abuela’s skirt to the wings of the birds in the park.
I like the way Dorros incorporated the use of Spanish words through out the story. The book is way to introduce Spanish words to students, It can also be used to make word connection . For example I can say Buenos dias estudiante and ask the student to translate it.
children will be able to relate to the main character through her relationship with her grandmother the inspired adventure they share. This a good book use to examine other culture. Student will be able to identify the setting locations which is New York city. Student can share their experience if ever visiting New York City..
Question during group discussions-Who was the key character in the story .?
What will happen on there next adventure?
Imagine you can fly around your own city. What would you see? student will Draw and color what they would see, and write in 2-5 sentence what they would see.

Abuela can be read teaching Social Studies/Language Arts
Lesson Plan Idea: Study and research the places mentioned in the book, like the Statue of Liberty and Mexico. Student will use Spanish word to identify certain sequence in the story.

Vocabulary words
Abuela- Grandmother
Limonada- Lemonade
Me gusta- I like
Buenos dias- Good day or Good morning
Un gato- A cat
Un oso- A bear
Tia- Aunt
Ven- come
vamos- Let's go

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Banned Book ( The Cat in the Hat)

 The Cat in the Hat

The cat in the hat is one of my favorite books, the story starts off with two children sitting in house due to rainy weather. Their mother left the children in the house while she is out. Suddenly a cat in the hat comes in and introduces himself. The fish tells the children that the cat should not be in the house while the children mother is gone. The children are bored and want to play, intrigued by the cat they children let the cat in the hat stay. The cat in the hat shows the children a juggling trick, the cat stands on a ball and begins to juggle ;a cake, books, milk, fans and the fish in the bowl. The cat loses his footing and slips and falls and everything that he was juggles falls to the ground. The cat has many tricks he brings a big red box in the house. The fish opposed the idea but the children want to know what is the box. They allow the cat to show them more fun tricks, he introduces Thing 1 and Thing 2. These things game are very messy and  they destroy the house. The children allowed the cat in the hat and Things 1 and 2  to destroy the house. The fish announced that the children mother is coming and they need to clean up before she comes in and sees the house in a disarray.  The boy shouts enough ,enough,  cat in the hat you have to go before my mom comes and sees this mess. The cat in the hat come in the house with a cleaning machine and cleans the whole house  and packs up thing 1 and 2 and tips his hat and disappears. The  children's mother comes home, asked the children what they did while she was gone.Their response was ohhh nothing.


 This story is about morals, the children knew that were not suppose to have company while their mother was gone. The children allowed the cat in the hat to come in and destroy their home and they lied to their when she asked what they had done. But in their defense if they would have told their mother what they really did she probably wouldn't believe them. The cat in the hat is classic and this is a book that I will have in my class library . 

Caldecott Winner ( Where the Wild things are)

 Where the Wild things are


The story starts when  Max puts on his wolf suit and makes mischief hammering things, chasing the dog and threaten to eat his mother, so his mother calls him 'Wild Thing' and sends him to bed without his dinner. That night a forest begins to grow in Max's room and an ocean rushes by with a boat to take Max to the place where the wild things are.  The young boy is not mean to the monsters ,Max tames the wild things and crowns himself as their king, and then the wild rumpus begins. Max begins to miss his mother and he tells the monster that he is going back home. The monster don't want him to leave they threaten to eat Max. But Max says " No, I have to go." Max travels back home and when get back to his room his dinner is in his room waiting for him. 

I did not like this story, it gives me the impression that there is no consequence for misbehaving. I would have sent Max to his room without any dinner as a consequence for his poor behavior.  The young boy did not apologized to his mother  for his behavior.  Children need to understand that there are consequence for poor behavior and rewards for good behavior. A child do not receive and award for demonstrating poor behavior. 
I would have this book in my library despite that fact that I don't care for the books.